Sunday, 23 June 2013

The existence of God is imminent.

To put it extremely lightly, the existence of God can divide a room. If I put it any lighter, that statement would float.

The generally accepted school of thought for the believers is that God created stuff, that’s why we’re here today. Cool, fair enough.

Non believers say that God is simply a construct in our minds, created to help us make meaning of our existence.

Thanks to this divisive issue, wars have been fought, blood shed and arguments had. It’s driven families apart and schools into disarray. Makers of holy bread and bullets seem to be the only ones thriving.

But what if both sides are wrong. Or more accurately, both right?

As leading futurists and general talkers of sense suggest, we are moving towards a state known as singularity; where the gap between humans and machines shrinks to nothing and we become one. Instead of having phones in our hands, they’ll be in our head, that kind of thing. A purer example would be uploading our minds and conscious to computers where they can be stored and operated s indefinitely, giving rise to (a version of) immortality. Already, machines have been developed to respond to brain impulses and provide feedback straight to the brain. But as we move towards a state where humans and computers become one, the interconnectedness creates a global state of consciousness. All that has ever been known, we will all know. All that can be seen, will be seen by all.

This is a long way around to explain that I think we’re evolving into exactly what we claim God to be. All knowing. All seeing. All understanding. I don’t think God was the starting point for humanity I think it’s the end point.

What happens after that though, God only knows.

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